Archive for the Sweet & Salty Category

Himalayan Sea Salted Fresh Fruit Salad
Himalayan Sea Salted Fresh Fruit Salad
A sweet & salty fruit salad that’s perfect for any summer occasion, this easy to prepare dish adds a cool, fruity burst of flavor to finish off any summer meal with gourmet flare!
Serves 12
- 1 Seedless Watermelon, cut into 1″ chunks
- 1 Pineapple, cut into 1″ chunks
- 1 Honeydew melon, cut into 1″ chunks
- 1 Canelope, cut into 1″ chunks
- 2lbs Fresh Cherries, pitted & cut into halves
- Fine Grain Himalayan Sea Salt to taste
1. Mix fruit together in a large serving bowl & sprinkle with Himalayan Sea Salt to taste.
2. Chill in freezer for about 20 min., stir well once at 10 min.
3. Serve chilled.
Note: You can also stick toothpicks in the chunks of fruit & serve as appetizers!
Himalayan Sea Salted Fresh Fruit Salad
Salted Pineapple Crunch Vanilla Ice Cream
Salted Pineapple Crunch Vanilla Ice Cream
This fantastic frozen fruit ice cream complements any summertime meal beautifully or stands alone as a hot summer afternoon treat!
Makes 1 Gallon
- 1/2 Pineapple, cut into 1/2″ chunks
- 1 Gallon Premium Vanilla Ice Cream or Homemade Ice Cream
- Course Grain Himalayan Sea Salt
1. Prepare cookie sheet covered with parchment paper.
2. Lightly coat pineapple chunks with sea salt and spread onto cookie sheet, making sure that the chunks do not touch. Place in freezer until frozen.
3. Thaw 1 Gallon of ice cream until melted just enough to stir, carefully stir in frozen, salted Pineapple chunks and refreeze mixture immediately.
Salted Pineapple Crunch Vanilla Ice Cream
Sweet & Salty Strawberry Daiquiri
Sweet & Salty Strawberry Daiquiri
This quick and easy recipe is perfect for sweet & salty drink lovers, and a fun, sensational addition to your summer BBQ that everyone will enjoy!
Makes 1 Daiquiri
- 1/2 cup frozen strawberries
- 4 ice cubes
- 1/8 teaspoon Pink Sea Salt [Click to Buy Here]
- 1 teaspoon white sugar
- 1.5 oz rum (your choice)
- Blend all the ingredients together in a blender until smooth.
- Rim serving glass in sugar, pour daiquiri into glass & enjoy!
*Leave the rum out of the mixture for a virgin Daiquiri the kids will love too!
Sweet & Salty Strawberry Daiquiri

Sweet & Sour Pink Mojito
Sweet & Sour Pink Mojito
Sweet & Salty never tasted so good! This refreshing Pink Mojito recipe infuses the sensational, fruity, minty flavor of a traditional pink version of this popular drink with the savory salt flavor of “Pink” sea salt!
Serves 1
- 6 mint leaves + 1 or two sprigs for decorating
- ½ of a lime lime, cut into wedges
- 1 ½ tsp Agave simple syrup (or 2 tsp simple sugar syrup)
- 4 raspberries
- 1oz white rum (we used Bacardi)
- 1tbsp cherry brandy
- tonic water or soda water (to top off)
- 2tsp Fine Grain Himalayan Pink Sea Salt
- Combine the mint leaves, lime wedges, raspberries & sugar syrup in a tall glass, and lightly mush up the mixture, getting as much of the juices squished out as you can.
- Rim another tall glass with Himalayan Salt (use a lime wedge to wet the rim of the glass, spread 2 tsp of salt onto a small saucer, then dip the rim of the glass in the salt).
- Carefully spoon the mixture from the first glass into this glass, taking care not to bump the salt off.
- Spoon crushed ice into the glass until it is full to just below the rim. Pour the rum & cherry brandy over the ice, then (carefully) mix well.
- Top off the mixture with tonic water, and a sprig of mint, and serve cold!
Sweet & Sour Pink Mojito
Pink Sea Salt Crunch Caramel Apples
Pink Sea Salt Crunch Caramel Apples
This recipe infuses a traditional fall favorite with pink sea salt, turning into an unforgettable sweet & salty fall treat! With their salty caramel coating, these apples disappear like ghosts into thin air! Your Trick or Treat kiddos will love this one too!
Makes 10 Sea Salt Caramel Apples
- A dozen of your favorite apples-(Tip-sweeter types of apples work best)
- 2 packages of caramels
- 1/2 cup Course Grain Himalayan Pink Sea Salt
- 1/4 cup half & half
- 1 Med. Saucepan
- Cookie Sheet lined with Wax or Parchment Paper
- 12 Popsicle sticks
- Wash the apples and insert a Popsicle stick in the top of each apple.
- Unwrap caramels and place in your saucepan with 1/4 cup half & half, heat on stove over medium heat until melted & blended smooth
- Coat apples in caramel as you normally would, then, turning the apple slowly on the stick, sprinkle lightly with Course Himalayan Sea Salt, don’t overdo the salt or it will come out too salty-your looking for a light sprinkling of salt.
- Place apples on the cookie sheet & refrigerate until cool and caramel is solid.